Thursday, June 14, 2007

Who Will Speak the Truth?

We are a church that is scattered and divided. Many of the great institutions and organizations that defined the RLDS Church are a mere shadow of themselves. Yet we are Temple People and Congregational People and Camp People. I believe in hope and I believe in the possibilities for a future that is better than our past.

I have been writing about some of this on a more personal basis over at Leaves from the Blog of a Recovering Cynic. One member of the World Church leadership council confided to me that the redesign process begged to have a union presence. The idea of the union for church staff has been discussed and joked about for years. Yet why has one never formed?

I would suggest that we have a power problem in our church. The priesthood, members and friends of the church are too quick to give up their power. The reasons are numerous, yet the fact remains we can be a prophetic people and organize to both give voice and action to our collective concerns. If you would like to be a better, you maybe comment or e-mail

Preamble and Statement of Organization

We, are concerned priesthood, members and friends of the Community of Christ.
  • We believe in the call to become a prophetic people.
  • We believe in the transforming presence that is available to all that pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • We believe that congregations are the primary place where Christ's incarnation ministry takes place.
  • And we believe that the Temple is an Ensign of Peace to the World of what is possible when we act as a Global Temple people.
It is with careful reflection and discernment that we have joined together to form a Union of Concerned Priesthood, Members & Friends, so that we can more fully engaged in the pursuit of peace and the praxis of the Gospel. We look forward to an ongoing reflection and action with all levels of the church on how together we can help to bring forth all those things that God has called us to be.